The Director of the Future Enterprise Research Centre- David
Hunter Tow argues that the credibility of the Enterprise brand, particularly
Big Enterprise, has been severely damaged in recent times and can only be
remediated by meshing more closely with the entrepreneurial technologies of the
Web and the norms of a more sustainable and ethical society.
But the future doesn’t wait for perfect solutions and the
Big Enterprise is now caught in a roiling sea of change, having consistently
failed to adapt to the social and technological imperatives of the 20th
and 21st centuries.
The modern enterprise has emerged as a relatively recent
force in social development; the child of earlier corporate and other business
models, supposedly a more dynamic and
entrepreneurial entity than previous structures, allowing individuals to
cooperate more efficiently to achieve a range of common legal, financial and
social goals.
But it is not just rooted in the capitalist system, although
its primary goal is usually the generation of a return on investment for its
risk takers, whether private or public. Its goals may also be of a social,
non-profit or purely philanthropic nature.
Along the way it has acquired the usual mix of fellow
travellers - investors, shareholders, partners, regulators ideologists and
lobbyists. But when operating as a typical risk taker, it has been allocated
special privileges such as limited liability, low or non-existent tax breaks
and other special exemptions including often State sanctioned dispensation to
exploit the assets of the Commons- the natural endowments of the planet. These
can include- previous heritage sites, mineral rights, natural forests and
farming land, fresh water sources, unpolluted air and often intellectual
property; originally reserved for the public as a natural right for their
health and general wellbeing.
Particularly since the 20th century the
Enterprise has proudly emerged bigger and bolder, acquiring ‘multinational’
status and systematically utilising mass production and development methods
largely based on fossil fuels, to exploit and degrade the planet’s resources- blanketing
cities, waterways, farming land and forests
with acrid poisonous residues, often causing endemic disease and misery as it
Toxic mining and processing wastes still pollute rivers and
estuaries, killing the marine life and destroying the health and livelihoods of
many dependent communities. And this still continues in many developing and
developed countries such as Australia, Canada, China and the US where petrochemical
companies continue to spew out lead and other heavy metals as well as fracking
and tar sand residues, polluting the pristine farming land and groundwater.
The modern enterprise may therefore be more entrepreneurial,
dynamic and socially aware than its predecessors, but such travesties are still
common and acceptable because along the way the ethics of larger enterprises got
hijacked by their executives and regulators who lost sight of the fact that
they had an obligation to act for the wellbeing of the community at large as
well as maximise shareholders profits. Public servants in Government agencies
also went along with this form of criminality and a revolving contractor door
began creating massive conflicts of interest between regulators and managers,
which continues unabated today.
And so began the era of the Big Enterprise-where corruption
and the ‘winner takes all’ mantra became the behavioural norm within business oligopolies
including- Big Pharma, Agri, Oil and Chemical, Defence and Armaments, Media,
Retail and Commerce, Banking and Finance and Construction and Engineering
industries; because might was right and scale was power and influence and
smaller enterprises often became collateral damage, unable to compete
effectively for market share.
And because Big Enterprises became so profitable and
powerful, Governments continued to provide carte blanche for their exploitation
of the planet’s finite assets and pollution became routine, particularly by Big
Miners such as Chevron, which still refuses to pay compensation for massive
destroyed tribal habitats in the Amazon and Big Banks that stole the savings of
small investors and pension funds during the GFC and Big Agri companies like
Monsanto which established seed monopolies over farmer’s rights on the back of patented plant genes and Big Pharma
that tried it on with human genes and Big Manufacturers of consumer goods that
outsourced their production to substandard factories employing child labour in
developing countries with no legal safety protection.
And the bigger they got, the more they assumed that the
Commons was available for the taking, until today much of the original
resources of a pristine planet has been stripped bare and big enterprise
continues to consume them at 150% of sustainable capacity.
To counter the bad vibes it encountered from this pernicious
behaviour, Big Enterprise also gathered an army of apologists and cheer leaders
in the form of PR and lobbyist minions to sanitize their actions. They also
recruited security companies to protect their stolen assets against pesky
indigenous and activist groups who were outraged by their behaviour. Also police
and spy agencies such as the NSA began collecting the names and personal
records of those who interfered with lucrative enterprise arrangements such as
price fixing and illegal waste disposal, on the pretext of preventing
At the same time the creative accountants and corrupt
auditors found ways to minimise the tax paid by enterprises, including tech
giants such as Google and Apple, through the use of global tax havens or by
channelling profits through minimal tax zones.
And really this litany of corruption and abuse has not been
improving. If anything it has got worse in the 20th and 21st
centuries. So despite the tens of thousands of sustainable small and medium law
abiding enterprises with a conscience – mainly family businesses not intent on
taking over the world, enterprises have been getting a reputation for
exhibiting psychopathic, anti-social behaviour. In other words, if anything
this cancerous growth in the corporate/enterprise sector has been metastasizing
at an exponential rate.
Not a pretty picture. And eventually something had to give.
Finally in the late 20th and 21st
century the tide began to turn. A new form of social enterprise emerged- the activist NGOs –such as
Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch and Transparency International. These have
gained traction- finding ways to fight back against the goliaths by exposing
their excesses and successfully taking legal action. And smaller enterprises,
like farmers markets and small scale renewable energy developers are becoming
more innovative, creative and agile, offering a more personal and fairer option
to the communities of which they are a part.
The other change and it’s a big change, is that the
community has finally turned against Big Enterprise, becoming sceptical of its
anti-social practices and the hype and lies in the form of deceptive marketing and glossy advertising
campaigns; increasingly caught out by the social media, activists and whistle
blowers. Their greed and naked criminality is being exposed like never before
and governments are slowly being forced to act on their constituent’s behalf.
Enterprises and their shareholders and executive employees
cannot hide anymore in gated enclaves behind bland anonymous websites, immune
from the consequences of their actions. Through pervasive sensors and eyes in
the form of the smartphone cameras of citizens, every action of the Enterprise
is being monitored and reported. With the imminent advent of the Internet of
Things or sentient objects, the pervasiveness of watchful sensors will ramp up
When Big Enterprises pollute or destroy habitats in Africa,
Asia or South America, with their products sourced from death trap factories,
or supply chains packed with illegal conflict minerals, the world will be
watching. The outcomes of enterprise actions will be reported in the social
media as they regularly are now within milliseconds and that record will remain
as a stain in the digital archives for perpetuity, accessible by prosecutors.
There are now not just a handful of investigative reporters tracking the
perfidy of big business, but the eyes and ears of citizens everywhere.
As well as the increasing crackdown on Enterprise corruption
another revolution is underway. It is called Sustainability. To remain in synch
with community aspirations in a globally warming world shareholders are being
encouraged to punish enterprises that cause harm to the planet and its life
forms, whether through use of fossil fuels, pollution or fraudulent practices,
by withdrawing their investments.
Big Enterprises must not only produce profits for their
shareholders - often Funds representing the savings of everyday citizens, but
must also prove the delivery of socially sustainable benefits for the
communities such as local indigenous groups from which they draw their
sustenance in return for token jobs and royalties as in PNG. And the pressures
for this investor-driven change are now enormous.
No more banks marketing fraudulent derivatives or rigging
borrowing rates or Walmart outsourcing garments made by women and children
working for a pittance in the fire factories of Bangladesh.
All too often
enterprises have are adopted a head in the sand attitude when confronted with
anything that impacts their short term profits and executive bonuses – repeating
the pathetic mantra- ‘It’s just business’ as a justification, similar to that
of mafia murderers- as if business and society’s ethics can be separated. How
can any reasonable planning forecasts for energy supplies, vehicle exports,
wheat harvests or fashion garments be calculated without taking into account major
geopolitical issues such as global warming and conflict affecting those
markets. And yet this is exactly what many big enterprises and governments
employing dozens of market analysts still produce.
Buy there’s a whiff of panic in the air from Big Enterprise.
The fossil fuel extractors are beginning to realise that a large proportion of
their oil, coal and gas reserves may now have to remain in the ground, where
their assets will become liabilities. The major tourist hotel chain operators
are also starting to sweat as they realise that the luxury resorts built in
tropical hurricane zones such as North Australia and the Caribbean will have to
be written off, as well as assets in the vast no go areas of the planet- those
becoming lethally hot or potentially flood prone. Instead the scope for the
smaller eco-friendly enterprises has expanded for those that don’t leave a
footprint on the planet or believe eternal growth is mandatory.
So Global Warming and the concomitant need to mesh with the
sustainability and ethical goals of the broader community are now emerging as
two massive constraints and shapers of the Future Enterprise.
But a third factor has emerged that has caught most of the
bigger businesses totally flatfooted.
This is the competition from the tens of thousands of next-gen
innovators involved in entrepreneurial Startups funded by thousands of smaller non-bank
investors, covering every application and industry that was once the exclusive
domain of the Big Enterprise.
The services sector is now in turmoil with thousands of
small agile enterprises based in cooperative
hubs in every major and many minor cities across the globe; cashing in
on new opportunities to re-engineer traditional ways of doing business without
the need for massive PR budgets or bribes.
And an increasing proportion of the population is becoming
technically savvy and better educated, particularly in the massive emerging
populations of India, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Global conglomerates
across the planet are being stripped of their mystique and gatekeeper roles.
They are also being stripped bare by the new wave of creative apps, with agile
Startup groups disrupting every traditional industry process, from 3D manufacturing
to mobile payments, from personalised healthcare to online education, from
local eco-tourism to flexible online travel reservation; using clever algorithms linked to the Internet
and powered by cheap smartphones and pads
The smaller enterprise is becoming more innovative,
creative, agile and competitive, offering a more personal and fairer option to
the community. Innovation and creativity are the new buzzwords and the citizen
beneficiaries are loving it.
And this is just the beginning.
The future enterprise will from now on be dominated by
technology- from the Internet / Web and every other innovation that goes with
it including- Virtual Clouds, Social Networks, Mobile devices and soon the
Internet of Things - all available at a relatively low entry and maintenance
cost. Technology will not just be an external enabler but will impact the very
heart and soul of the enterprise, changing its structure and ability to compete
in radical ways; allowing the smaller players to compete on a level playing
As the technological basis and norms of society shift, so
the structure of the enterprise will also be forced to adapt.
And so we come to the fourth factor in the evolution of the
Future Enterprise- the Virtual Enterprise.
The Virtual Enterprise- VE is much more opportunistic and is
already here. It does not require its employees to be gathered under one roof
or even in one country or controlled from one centralised management team. The
VE marks the beginning of a networked distributed architecture obsoleting the
traditional siloed hierarchical model of the 20th century.
In such a fast-moving logistical revolution, skills and techniques
as well as materials have to be available on demand. Outsourcing of every
process- from HR to Manufacturing to IT, including strategic decision-making,
will therefore become the new norm.
The workforce, partners as well as customers will be global
as well as local, with lightning paced decisions made to optimise production or
marketing as opportunities arise and where resources, including skilled and
unskilled contractors- even robots, are ready to go. We see virtual flexibility
today in the skilled expat diasporas and migration from high unemployment zones
of Europe and Asia, supporting every industry from the mining to construction
to finance.
Smaller enterprises will have a significant advantage in
such a world- without carrying the enormous overheads and legacy of a large
enterprise. The virtual enterprise will allow them to scale up or down as required.
Without the artificial dichotomy of workers and management, a much more
cooperative and flexible model of social evolution can be introduced.
This is likely to lead in fact to the structure of the
future enterprise eventually meshing with that of the Web, at the same time
connecting with community needs and aspirations on a symbiotic local, regional,
national or global basis. Such a pervasive networked architecture utilising a
Web based on much cleverer virtual Software Defined Network – SDN and Data
Linked Architectures, will apply equally for big and small, public and private
enterprises. This will facilitate distributed and largely autonomous
decision-making, with the capacity to dynamically route information and
intelligence- human or artificial, to key decision nodes as algorithms begin to
dominate the management of more complex processes.
Organisational boundaries will become increasingly fluid and
porous with individuals moving freely between projects and career paths adding
value at each step, in turn allowing them to acquire new skills linked to
ongoing advanced learning programs.
So today’s lumbering enterprise behemoths will likely be
largely unrecognisable by 2030 - smaller, networked, far more flexible, agile,
scalable and opportunistic as well as cooperatively tuned to the needs of the
community as well as the customers they serve, eventually on a largely
autonomous basis.
They will also apply the latest knowledge within a far more
ethical and non-combative environment; cooperatively as well as competitively,
applying sustainable methods of energy conservation and high standards of
ethical governance.
Sound too good to be true?
Not really – just a logical and inevitable outcome driven by
changes in the global environment which are already largely in train and in
which the enterprise of the future will play an increasingly significant role.
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