The Director of The Future Enterprise Research
Centre- David Hunter Tow, predicts that Big Data has the potential to unlock greater value for
the enterprise and society, but in the process will radically disrupt traditional
organisational functions at all levels,- particularly between IT departments
and decision makers.
The connotation of the term ‘Big Data’ is at best
extremely fuzzy and at worst highly misleading. It implicitly promises major
benefits in direct relationship to the quantity of data corralled by an
organisation. But Big Data is also hedged with constraints, contingencies and
uncertainties, requiring the solution of a number of associated problems before
it can translate into significant enterprise benefits.To unlock real value in the future will require-
The design of more responsive enterprise and knowledge
architectures based on a network model, allowing for the delivery of realtime
adaptive decision responses;
A closer relationship between the business and its
social environment enabling the enterprise to better understand the Big Picture;
The introduction of common data standards and
streaming of seamless integrated multiple data types;
A quantum leap in intelligence through the
application of more powerful artificial intelligence based, analytic, strategic
and predictive modelling tools.
The need to upgrade the quality and security of current
storage and processing infrastructure beyond current cloud architectures.
This will involve the introduction of networked models at both the enterprise and information level, with nodes represented by decisions and information flows linking the relationships between them; eventually capable of autonomous adaptation within a constantly evolving social, technological, business environment.
.This Model, based on optimised decision pathways, with the capacity to dynamically route information and intelligence resources, supported by autonomous agent software, to appropriated decision makers, will be the core driver of Big Data architectures. It must be capable of integrating and analysing streams of information from multiple sources in real time, channelling computing and information resources directly to relevant decision nodes, enabling critical decisions to be implemented in optimal time frames.
The Big Picture
It will also be insufficient to plan just one, two or five years ahead. Although near-term sales and cost forecasts are important, understanding the bigger shifts likely to impact all businesses in a future dominated by climate change, geopolitics and globalisation, will be more essential to survival- allowing a better balance of creative planning, adaptive resilience and risk avoidance.
In fact enterprises- particularly the biggest, have a poor history in seeing the big picture. The larger the enterprise the more likely it is to believe in its own invincibility in the marketplace.
In more recent times both Ford and GM virtually went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by the public purse because they would not or could not see the obvious shift in consumer sentiment to smaller cars with lower fuel usage. And then there was AIG, Lehman Brothers and Citibank and Fanny Mae which also thought they were too big to fail. And now the giants Kodak and Sony and many others are struggling.
The Intelligent Enterprise
Big Data will also trigger the need to become much smarter, utilizing the
latest artificial intelligence and statistical techniques such as evolutionary
algorithms, neural networks and Bayesian logic to achieve a smarter enterprise.
The latest 'Smart Planet' paradigm shift, in which the infrastructure, business
and environmental processes of the planet are being re-engineered to optimise
performance and achieve more sustainable outcomes, will also be a major driver
for the networked smarter enterprise of the future. The Smart Planet imperative will demand that decisions relating to society’s survival and wellbeing be made more rigorously, efficiently, adaptively and therefore autonomously.
But a Smart Planet revolution without a Smarter Enterprise mindshift won’t compute.
But despite a range
of mathematical improvements in our foresight and modelling methods, developed
in tandem with a broader understanding of scientific and social principles, the
corporate capacity to forecast effectively has been sadly lacking when data
doesn’t follow obvious trends or when the signals of emerging change are faint.
Most forecasting textbooks traditionally list a number of well-developed techniques based around time series projections, regression analysis, Delphi and scenario expert options, as well as artificial neural networks and simulation modelling. But these have usually failed to predict the future in times of abrupt change within the broader physical, social and economic environment, such as the recent extreme disasters of the global financial crisis or the Arab democratic revolution.
The next phase in
this evolution will be models powerful enough to not just deliver predictions
but accurately prioritise the resources needed to manage those predictions, and
develop project plans for their implementation. Then track the results to check
on their effectiveness. In other words utilise textbook automatic feedback
control principles much more rigorously. After a bridge or power grid has been
built, its maintenance needs to be permanently and autonomously managed to
prevent future catastrophic failures or escalating rebuild costs, tracked by the
latest generation of intelligent sensors. Most forecasting textbooks traditionally list a number of well-developed techniques based around time series projections, regression analysis, Delphi and scenario expert options, as well as artificial neural networks and simulation modelling. But these have usually failed to predict the future in times of abrupt change within the broader physical, social and economic environment, such as the recent extreme disasters of the global financial crisis or the Arab democratic revolution.
This common sense
methodology of feedback and continuous monitoring of outcomes has been sadly
lacking in many enterprises but will now be essential if business and society
is to survive the onslaught of massive future shock. It will involve scanning
for emerging problems, aggregating data streams from millions of internet-connected
sensor systems and monitoring the pulse of the global environment- not just at
the business level but also at the political, technological and environmental
Processes based on Big Data therefore need to be recognised as the beginning of the our civilisation’s survival fightback; applying adaptive and responsive techniques based on massive datasets, largely autonomously, because they are so big and complex that manual methods will fail, to the optimisation of the design, maintenance and operation of every process and application on the planet.
Processes based on Big Data therefore need to be recognised as the beginning of the our civilisation’s survival fightback; applying adaptive and responsive techniques based on massive datasets, largely autonomously, because they are so big and complex that manual methods will fail, to the optimisation of the design, maintenance and operation of every process and application on the planet.
The Cloud Solution
Collecting and storing the tsunami of data
resulting from Big Data overload is a major stumbling block to the above goal,
already creating unforeseen problems for the average enterprise by generating
exponentially exploding datasets; as the Science communities- astronomers,
biologists, cosmologists and particle physicists, have already discovered.
Traditional Relational or Hadoop
databases, SOA architectures and SQL databases are not optimised for such massive real time
processing, particularly as much of the data in the future will be unstructured
and garnered from heterogeneous sources such as web pages, videos, RSS feeds,
market intelligence, statistical data, electronic devices, instrumentation,
control systems and sensors.
But just in time, Cloud processing
management has emerged, offering an alternative solution, which few large
organisations will be able resist. Now they will have the seductive choice of offloading
the complete data management side of their operations to third parties in
return for economies of scale and flexibility. The tradeoff is partial loss of
control, but over time, providing security, backup and service levels are
maintained at a rigorous standard, the organisation should benefit by being
able to improve its focus on the core critical aspects of its operations. Only
time and verification will tell if this tradeoff can deliver on its promise.
The IT department will be virtually invisible to decision-makers with the primary task to select the appropriate tools to implement enterprise strategies
The IT department will be virtually invisible to decision-makers with the primary task to select the appropriate tools to implement enterprise strategies
Cloud computing will eventually offer
a complete managed haven of services for Big Data- software, Security,
Processing, Storage, Hardware and Infrastructure. All are now in the offing.
But in the near future, Knowledge as a Service is likely to presage the
greatest change within the Future Enterprise ecosystem.
Real-time integration of disparate
data and application methodologies is a key challenge here, with the current
conventional multi-staged approach being- build a data warehouse to consolidate
storage, then aggregate information sources and then select a BI tool and then process
user queries. But this is already
proving expensive, slow and error prone.
A number of innovative platforms are
being developed in this sector based on enterprise information streaming
models. These provide a virtual unified view of the data stream without first
transferring it to a central repository and also point the way to the next step
of fully autonomous tool selection and decision support.
It is now clear that the global environment is
placing place enormous pressure on all organisations, not just from a
competitive perspective but from the need to upgrade ethical and sustainability
standards. This will continue at an accelerating pace. The changing
technological environment in particular is already disrupting entire service
industries e-commerce in particular- retailing,
banking, trading and supply. Now a second wave of service industries- manufacturing,
healthcare, education, media, advertising, legal, hospitality and travel is being
turned upside down by the revolution.
In this revolution Big Data is acting as a major
catalyst, offering the glittering prize of untold value-added, but will
generate this cornuopia only if it is also agile and precisely targeted,
meeting the specific needs of multiple domains. Specialised decision-making in finance,
biology, medical, cosmological, pharmaceutical, government, media and legal
applications will require different classes of algorithmic support. And even
domain analytic specialists may soon be obsolete as expert domain algorithms
generated from the ever expanding cumulative knowledge of the Web begin to
dominate the decision process. Critically however such algorithms will need to
be continuously verified and adapted within a shifting social and business
Because of the rate of innovation and subsequent
disruption, service-based systems will therefore need to be self-adaptive;
applying intelligent algorithms to support new options as well as the growth of
collaborative ventures involving multiple stakeholders, such as commonly occur
in service industries such as Hospitality, Travel and Real Estate.
New technological innovations such as smartphones
and tablets are also increasingly filling mobile gaps and shortfalls in
existing services. For example, by starting to displace traditional credit
card/banking in the lucrative payments market and enabling the personalisation
of healthcare and educational services in remote areas.
Such upgrades in the service sector imply the use of
increasingly pervasive Big Datasets with low access time latencies. Response
timeframes are critical, with cumbersome reporting and query tools way too slow
for today’s end user needs. So the days of manual intervention in the decision
process are drawing to a close as global markets creating decisions involving
hundreds of variables required instantly.
So the stage is set. The filtering,
pattern matching and super-intelligent analytic processing required to make
sense of the overload of big Data, will mean that human intervention in the decision
process will inevitably become a significant bottleneck.
But the future smart enterprise must
have the flexibility to focus and deploy its cooperative intelligence
autonomously, at all levels of the organisation. This will be a proactive response
to new opportunities and competitive pressures in the marketplace.
The level of volume and complexity of decision-making will continually and rapidly increase over time in response to the changing social, geopolitical and technological environment. The resulting network interactions involving customers, supply chains, services, markets and logistics will eventually make it impossible for humans to compete. It will become just too complex and time-consuming even for dedicated teams of humans to manage, just as it is impossible to control complex trading, production, marketing operations manually or chemical plants and space missions today.
The IT centre will rapidly transform into tomorrow’s Knowledge Technology Centre- KT Centre. This will place further pressure on the need for real-time high quality decision-making.
By 2030 humans will become partners in enterprise decision processes powered by intelligent algorithms based on realtime knowledge outcomes plus research encapsulated in the Intelligent Web. But over time their input, as for airline pilots and fast train drivers today, will be largely symbolic.
The level of volume and complexity of decision-making will continually and rapidly increase over time in response to the changing social, geopolitical and technological environment. The resulting network interactions involving customers, supply chains, services, markets and logistics will eventually make it impossible for humans to compete. It will become just too complex and time-consuming even for dedicated teams of humans to manage, just as it is impossible to control complex trading, production, marketing operations manually or chemical plants and space missions today.
The IT centre will rapidly transform into tomorrow’s Knowledge Technology Centre- KT Centre. This will place further pressure on the need for real-time high quality decision-making.
By 2030 humans will become partners in enterprise decision processes powered by intelligent algorithms based on realtime knowledge outcomes plus research encapsulated in the Intelligent Web. But over time their input, as for airline pilots and fast train drivers today, will be largely symbolic.
Big Data therefore will have provided a
major catalyst for an extreme makeover of the future enterprise, the business
environment, for society and the planet.
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